Monstera Peru, also known as Monstera Karstenianum, is an easy to grow plant with uniquely textured leaves. The leaves are somewhat stiff and can develop interesting colour variations though, those often mean the plant is in need of a change in care. Monstera Peru are suitable for beginner collectors who wish to grow something outside the ordinary things they find in a big box store, yet aren’t yet ready to take on something difficult. They are usually found for a reasonable price, grow quickly and give few problems if their watering and light needs are met – which isn’t difficult. They don’t need much of either.
Give bright, indirect or medium light. The Peru is more of an understory plant and prefers not to be in direct light - no sun rays hitting it directly. This is a vining plant and you may see it shoot out leafless runners if it isn’t getting the light it needs. Hit the sweet-spot with light, and you’ll get a bushy plant with leaves that grow in closer together.
It has a much finer root system than the larger Monsteras and so it doesn’t forgive as easily to sitting in too wet soil. The best practice for a Peru is to get used to the feel of the leaves after it has been watered well. The leaves should be like corrugated cardboard. Flat and stiff. A thirsty plant will feel less so and the leaves may begin to curl and wilt. A deep watering will perk it right up.